Test results

Results of tests and investigations ordered by Birley Health Centre

We will contact you by telephone, or by letter, only if a result is abnormal and you require treatment or further investigations. You will not be contacted if your result is normal.

If you wish to enquire about the results of your tests please call our reception team. The administrative staff will give results to you or you may be asked to speak to the nurse or doctor. Due to confidentiality, adults’ results will not be given to anyone other than the patient, unless we have documented consent to do so.

For results please ring the surgery on 0114 235 8038 from 14:00 to 18:00

Results of tests ordered by other organisations

Results of complex investigations need careful interpretation by the clinician who ordered the test. We cannot safely do this on behalf of the hospital. If you are waiting for results from the hospital please contact the hospital direct.

At times the hospital will write to us with the result and a plan, although this can take several weeks. We will contact you directly ourselves if needed.

Drive through blood testing

To reduce the demand we need to direct the majority of our blood tests to the drive through service at Building 183 (Former Blood Service site), Longley Lane, Sheffield, S5 7JN.

Longley Lane is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm (excluding Bank Holidays) and Saturday, 8.30am to 1pm.

You need to be referred by a clinician to use this service. Your blood test will need to have been requested. Having your NHS number is helpful. You can get this quickly by getting the NHS app or else asking through AskmyGP or calling.

If you prefer to go to the Hallamshire, please see details of address, available times and days here
