
Ordering repeat prescriptions

1) If you have a smartphone or tablet, the simplest way is to order medications through the NHS app.

For instructions on how to download and use the NHS App please visit this website:

A GP has made this video of the process of getting set up

2) If you are a carer for a child or other adult, you can also order on their behalf through the NHS app.

We need to request a code to link them to your NHS app account. You can request this through AccuRx. We will need a photo of some ID, for example passport, driving licence, birth certificate, utility bill or bank statement. We may also need consent from the person you care for.

3) If you do not have a smartphone or tablet, you can order through ‘SystmOne online’ on a computer. The link for this is

Please contact us on AccuRx, send a photo of ID, and we can set you up.

4) If you have no online access

If you have no online access you will need to drop your request in by filling out a repeat prescription request form (available in the foyer) or ticking off the required items on your slip issued with your last prescription. Ordering online is safer and quicker for everyone. We would ask that you only use these methods if you do not have any online access.

Making the change may involve a bit of work for everyone. However excellent feedback from patients using the NHS app suggests this could be an improvement.

We ask that you do not use AccuRx to request monthly prescriptions. We ask that you use one of these 4 systems.

Processing requests takes up to 4 working days

Regardless of how we get your request, we aim to process your prescription in 2 working days. Pharmacies processing time varies but is usually around 2 working days in addition. We ask that you order them in plenty of time as urgent requests take us away from other patient care.


Acute prescriptions

These are medications that you do not usually take, that are not on your ‘repeat’ list. We always need some information from you to be able to prescribe acute prescriptions. Please do not request these medications using the NHS app or any other app, as we can not communicate with you. Please put these requests though as a medical or admin query.



Patients on repeat medication will usually be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

If you fail to attend for a medication review, this could result in your next prescription being given at a reduced quantity.

Pharmacy services